Well never thought it would come to this. Ya know, this is my last semester in college and like most Engineering Colleges we too have a Main Project to submit this semester. It so happens that trying to get this project done we has wandered a lot all over the city and found some places where it could be done.It was hard to find a place cause we were planning on an iPhone project and thought of Android as a backup to it. And well chose a place that was best suited for us. And well it all began so well, the preparations for a grand project. And then even ended up getting a job there, anyway I have written about getting the job in another post, My First Job, if you would like to know how. Anyways joined there in December , and days were spent like thrash, just doing small stuff. Since we were going to work on an already done project and were just going to modify it to our needs, we all expected it to be so simple, why not , even the people there told , it will just take 2 or 3 days to just replace the pictures and stuff in it. So we were like yea whatever its so easy to do.
Now the time has come, the project leave is all done. Everyone will be ready with their projects now to show the department what they have done. But what have we to show them?? The original date to show the demo to our guide was on 27th of January but well when we went to college last week to meet our guide for the first time she told the dates shifted to 1st of February. Well what should I feel about that some more life eh, but when we tried to do some reverse engineering on our existing software,its like impossible, nothing is making any sense. Even after getting a month to do our project, we still haven't even begun even beyond the point of the original demo. What do we do now? And above all that , there is another confusion that looms around us, is there Series exams in college on 30 n 31? If there is, then what? Seriously I have no memory of even attending any classes this semester. What are going to do now? Two days of exams followed by the rough report submission and demo. And the best part , the project haven't even started yet. Talk of dilemma , well have no clue as to what to do now. Totally blank and dazed. What goes around comes way back around ha.
Three days to count, two of them having exams , and the awesome part is having exams during day , two exams per day and then work at night. Hell yeah!!! This is awesome. What has life come onto now? Where am I headed to now? Plus bringing in code optimization effectively from 1st February at work will be like a pain, if I have to redo all that I have done, cause its a mess of a project, yet an interesting one, I mean the one I did over there as part of work.
Will just leave it to fate now, as I can't even think what to do now.What happens next is unknown, let it come as it is.
Now the time has come, the project leave is all done. Everyone will be ready with their projects now to show the department what they have done. But what have we to show them?? The original date to show the demo to our guide was on 27th of January but well when we went to college last week to meet our guide for the first time she told the dates shifted to 1st of February. Well what should I feel about that some more life eh, but when we tried to do some reverse engineering on our existing software,its like impossible, nothing is making any sense. Even after getting a month to do our project, we still haven't even begun even beyond the point of the original demo. What do we do now? And above all that , there is another confusion that looms around us, is there Series exams in college on 30 n 31? If there is, then what? Seriously I have no memory of even attending any classes this semester. What are going to do now? Two days of exams followed by the rough report submission and demo. And the best part , the project haven't even started yet. Talk of dilemma , well have no clue as to what to do now. Totally blank and dazed. What goes around comes way back around ha.
Three days to count, two of them having exams , and the awesome part is having exams during day , two exams per day and then work at night. Hell yeah!!! This is awesome. What has life come onto now? Where am I headed to now? Plus bringing in code optimization effectively from 1st February at work will be like a pain, if I have to redo all that I have done, cause its a mess of a project, yet an interesting one, I mean the one I did over there as part of work.
Will just leave it to fate now, as I can't even think what to do now.What happens next is unknown, let it come as it is.